What is auditor?

The purpose of auditor is to provide an easy and standardized way to collect audit logs.


This library is architected around two concepts:

  • Auditing services responsible for collecting audit events
  • Storage services responsible for persisting audit traces

Those two kind of services are offered by Providers.

Default provider

A default provider is included with this library: DoctrineProvider

DoctrineProvider offers both auditing services and storage services. It creates audit logs for all Doctrine ORM database related changes:

  • inserts and updates including their diffs and relation field diffs.
  • many to many relation changes, association and dissociation actions.
  • if available, the user responsible for these changes and his IP address are recorded.
  • audit entries are inserted within the same transaction during flush event so that even if something fails the global state remains clean.

DoctrineProvider supports following RDBMS

  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

DoctrineProvider should work with any other database supported by Doctrine. Though, we can only really support the ones we can test with GitHub Actions.

Basically you can track any change of any entity from audit logs.