Release Notes

What's new in the latest version of auditor.

The format is inspired by Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Version 2.x

auditor v2.0.0

Not yet released

BC changes

  • Providing an integer value for the keep argument of the audit:clean command is no longer supported. Use the ISO 8601 duration format (e.g. P12M) instead.
  • Passing name and value to the Query::addFilter() method is no longer supported. Pass it a FilterInterface object instead.
  • Query::addRangeFilter() method has been removed, you should call Query::addFilter() instead and pass it a RangeFilter object.
  • Query::addDateRangeFilter() method has been removed, you should call Query::addFilter() instead and pass it a DateRangeFilter object.


  • Drop PHP 7.2 and 7.3 support.
  • Drop Symfony 3.4 support.
  • Audit relationship refs (#60)

Version 1.x

auditor v1.3.1



  • Blocks installation along with doctrine/dbal 3.x

auditor v1.3.0




auditor v1.2.0




Query::addFilter(string $name, $value)
Query::addRangeFilter(string $name, $minValue, $maxValue)
Query::addDateRangeFilter(string $name, $minValue, $maxValue)

are now deprecated in favor of

Query::addFilter(FilterInterface $filter)

There are several kinds of filters:

  • SimpleFilter lets you filter by a specific value or set of values
  • RangeFilter lets you filter by a range of values
  • DateRangeFilter lets you filter by a range of dates

More details in the documentation

auditor v1.1.0



auditor v1.0.1



  • Updated CI to ensure proper Symfony versions are installed during tests (3.4, 4.4 and 5.x are tested)
  • Fixed a failing test with Symfony 3.4

auditor v1.0.0


Initial release.

The purpose of auditor is to provide an easy and standardized way to collect audit logs.

This library is architected around two concepts:

  • Auditing services responsible for collecting audit events
  • Storage services responsible for persisting audit traces

Those two kind of services are offered by Providers and a default one is included with this library: DoctrineProvider

DoctrineProvider offers both auditing services and storage services and creates audit logs for all Doctrine ORM database related changes.